and you shall find - with hybriX !
Information is all you need !
the key to more efficiency |
one is facing the question to know where
you will get the information you need
to move your company forward. Information
means nothing else but content. And
its quality is decisive with regard
to the attractiveness of your offer!
In this context it is irrelevant whether
the goal is an increase in acceptance
within the company or the acquisition
of new business in e-commerce.
content portals, customized to your company,
will supply you with search results which
are tailored exclusively to your needs.
The hybriXportal content portal software
will relate your query to the requested
contents. Owing to the continuously updated
structures and links you will be provided
with a maximum of efficient information,
i.e. profitability for your company.The
commercial benefit is obvious, and this
makes the significant difference compared
to a public-access portal, where the search
results are hardly ever productive, since
they are related to full-text queries. |
a smart solution ! |
content management means the administration
of information which is made available
on intranet, extranet, or internet sites.
What we are striving for is quality,
not quantity.
Solutions |
have developed special know-how for industries
and the publishing sector. Law portals,
as internet-based law information systems,
which extract contents in various formats
from a huge variety of sources, link them,
and them make them available on the internet.
Plant portals used as service information
systems, providing service technicians
with the information required for an efficient
upkeep and maintenance of machinery and
equipment. hybriX software is also used
in machine engineering, in aviation and
the ship operating technology, in automobile
industry, in power plants or in the military
sector, and in patenting. |
- Success down to details
how are they converted to contents?
Know-how! |
your company, too, been accumulating
huge piles of product documentation
in most various formats on different
media over extended periods of time?
How would you convert bound product
descriptions to type-related, 'clickable'
web pages and printed pricelists to
up-to-date tables, ready to be queried
all around the world? And who would
not like to feed a variety of media
such as print, CD_ROM, and WWW from
one and the same source?
eidonPartner will use your objectives
and concept to develop an appropriate,
personalized solution for your company.
The hybriX software will transform your
source-data stock to a unified, homogenous
format, then link it automatically to
other information sources for retrieving
references, for assigning the references
found to reference targets, and finally
for inserting the explicit reference
marks into the documents. The documents
are administered both in their initial
form and that of the intermediate processing
forms. The hybriXbase and hybriXlink
modules store, administer, and link
XML and SGML text and CGM4 graphics
as single data records in a relational
database, thus enabling extremely fast
and precise access. As soon as a homogenous,
linked contents pool has been generated,
these contents are made available to
the users, be it on paper or CD-ROM
or - through the directWeb Portal
- via the internet/intranet.
a language everyone understands. |
content management requires a platform-independent
data format which can be represented on
any computer. XML ("Extensible Markup
Language") is such a format. Developed
on the basis of the far more complex SGML
markup language, XML excels by clear structures
and a comprehensive applicability. The
XML language can be defined on an application-specific
basis, i.e. it meets individual requirements.
XML's high acceptance gives rise to the
assumption that this standard will evolve
into the most important data and document
format of the future. |